Originating from the within the Forestry Commission back in the annals of time, the Forestry Golf Societies of North and South Scotland are open to anyone with an association to the forest industry, and who have a passion for trees and tees! We currently have members working for Forestry & Land Scotland, Scottish Forestry, Forest Research, Scottish Woodlands, Tilhill, and private estates (to name just a few), with many retired staff from companies and organisations from across the sector also forming our ranks. We are a friendly bunch, a large range of handicaps, and we also welcome any golfing acquaintances of those in the industry.

We operate two separate (but closely linked) groups covering the south and north of Scotland, although members often interchange between the two depending on the location of the society visit. As a general rule of thumb South organises events in Dumfriesshire and the Scottish Borders, with North members meeting at courses around Inverness, Moray and Aberdeenshire.

Please take a look at our upcoming events and do get in touch if you would like to join like minded golfers, membership is free and we ‘pay and play’ on the day of the organised event (usually between 2 and 3 per region per year).

Contact Us

Please do reach out to either of our regional organisers, who will be more than happy to answer any queries you may have.

South Scotland


North Scotland
